Emotional health / mental health is not as physical. You might be able to feel the bruises on the skin surface. So, you can easily treat it. Well, the emotional scars are more complex and subtle. Unlike physical injuries, emotional healing and even takes a very long time. Here are some tips to improve emotional health! May be useful.
1. Do not be so sensitive! Type to be offended by what others say, is more vulnerable to stress. Their focus is usually focused on what others say.
2. A deaf ear. When we think of nasty comments from others, we have given them the power to hurt us. Although difficult, you may actually try this.
3. Laugh at yourself. If you succeed in doing this, the world will not be able to laugh at you again. Each person takes great courage to laugh at themselves and not at all make fun of other people.
4. Joy. Happy with what you got. Happy with who stands beside you. Although it looks simple, it's hard to do.
5. Try new things. When you feel bored, try something new. Hair style, clothing style, or maybe a new hobby. Lots of fun things you can do to fill your time.
6. Avoid pornography. Pornography to sexual stimulation can cause the growth of the emotional void that can cause depression, bipolar disorder and other mental health. Sexual relationship with a legitimate partner and love that can fill the physical and emotional needs.
If you have family members who experience mental health problems, it is important to always keep a positive attitude and not give up. Do not berate or ridicule that made him feel inferior and perpetuate feelings of self-loathing. This is also true for those with eating disorder tendencies. Show your love and understanding to them.
7. Perform activities that build self-confidence. Learn to play instruments like piano or violin, mastering martial skills, get a prize competitions, etc. helps children build self-confidence.
8. Maintain a balance diet. Diet can aggravate the symptoms of various diseases including autism, schizophrenia, depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Food needed for good mental health is the fruit and vegetables and foods containing essential fatty acids, cob, squash and beans. Milk and chocolate are also believed to calming the mind
9. Avoid isolating yourself. Being part of a community of mutual support and meet regularly can really help us through the crisis and remain positive.
10. Recreation outside the home. Try to stay away from routine to spend time in nature. "Green therapy" could be one effective way to find inner peace and calm our minds, find enlightenment and free of negative thoughts.
11. Worship. Implement worship and pray regularly meet our spiritual needs, which is a vital component in the welfare of the soul. Ignore the spiritual needs of the soul makes us restless and uneasy. Praying is an effective tool in preventing and combating mental health problems.
12. Appreciate and make art. Enjoys painting, photography, music, dance and other art forms could be a natural mood stabilizer and useful refreshes the mind. Produce works of art that can be enjoyed by people also helps one to build self-esteem, something that is important for mental health.
Try listening to soft music. A lot of frenetic music that it can lead to mental overload. There are many types of music that can bring about feelings of depression or hollow. Soft and melodious music can balance chemical processes in our brains.
13. Reduce Watching Television, Film and Video / Online Games. Watching television, movies or playing games excessively can affect our mental health. Violence in the news, action movies, and games can reduce emotional balance, making depression and affects our emotional response. After seeing so much violence, we can no longer recognize it as violence. Glimpses of television commercials can also lead to overload the senses and our brains and fatigue.
Many films are entertaining, but there is also evoke negative emotions for some people. For people who are sensitive or have ever experienced such a trauma in his life, reducing the time and intensity of emotion triggering watching will help maintain mental balance.
Focus on positive things. Try reading the news, instead of watching television news. Read more gentle effect on the mind and we can be more selective. Try to avoid violence or sensational impressions, choose only the television programs and movies that are positive.
14. Keep your mind is always active with reading. Reading can be a strengthening of mental activity, especially if we focus on the positive reading. Subscribe to magazines or buy some books that educate biography beneficial for your mental health.
15. Be more organized person. Avoid putting off work, and clean and Arrange your possessions. Get rid of clutter. Dispose of the goods unused, complete, or delegate the work to hang, and if necessary, get someone else to solve your homework homework.
16. Express your love. Give and get love make our lives happier. Devoted love of family, relatives and others is the key to spiritual happiness. Helping others makes our lives more meaningful and our attendance is expected.
17. Exercise. Research shows that exercise is more effective in preventing and treating depression than drugs.
Emotional health greatly affects the health of your body. Smiling into the most effective painkiller you know. Want to try? Try to laugh more often with friends, family, and couples!
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