Prevention tips Attack Stroke


Hopefully this article can help to keep you from a stroke that could come at any time anywhere either your own or on the vehicle.

Did you know that stroke is the number one killer of disease current whereabouts are unknown to us. But by knowing the disease, we can do the proper precautions

  1. Always keep a healthy life through exercise, this can be done to familiarize the streets every morning
  2. Always drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. Because water helps dissolve blood clots and reduce the body.
  3. Maintain a healthy diet, increase organic food without pesticides and preservatives.
  4. Always do a health check to the experts. Some of that must be examined is the uric acid, cholesterol, trigleseride, diabetes, and blood viscosity.
  5. After conducting the examination and no indication of cardiovascular disease, or artersklerosis to you, always provide the drug to the type Isorbide dinitrate 10 mg. The drug is sold in a pharmacy nearby. To stop breathing due to narrowing of blood vessels. By the way sucked.
  6. Agara always advisable to provide an emergency contact in your phone you can call immediately by using the speed dial. You never know when you need it.
These tips may be useful for us all :-)

Prevention tips Attack Stroke | Mc | 5


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