Have a face that is smooth and free of black spots may be everyone's dream. These black spots can someday be stubborn acne . This is caused by piles of dead skin cells that exist in the face by this black spots.

To remove black spots and smooth the skin, I have found some traditional ingredients that I got from a book entitled "Traditional Medicine", made by RMEdhi Sutardjo, truly natural. So there are no side effects.
To make the potion is easy, all you need is patience.
Okay I give the potion recipe:
1. Jali included as many as 75 grams of added sugar cube with enough water, until lembut.Kemudian added another 2 apples that have been blended and honey to taste, having eaten a little cold.
2. Ginkgo biloba has been smoothed (removed once the outside). Rice flour, cold powder, and water secukupnya.Aduk all these materials, that will be used in merata.Biarkan apply on face for 30 minutes or until dry. Then wash the face with water until clean .
3. First prepare the following ingredients: 25 grams of dried white mushrooms (buy at drug stores Shinse), Jali - jali 60 grams and 50 grams of red beans.
How to make it: Soak the material with water separately, until tender. Then drained, then cook all these ingredients add rock sugar to taste, so the cook to thicken. Eat 2 times a day.
That he tips acne this time, look forward to continue to the next tips from me. If the tips on how to remove black spots on the face of the above useful, do not forget to spread the above tips to other friends, or if necessary also invite friends to visit this blog how to eliminate acne . hehe
If the above tips are still lacking or there is something wrong, please do not hesitate to leave a comment.
Note: sorry these tips may apply only in Indonesia, because the ingredients can be easy in Indonesia
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