Definition of Swimmer's Ear or acute otitis
External otitis or swimmer's ear is an infection of the skin that. The outer ear and ear canal Acute otitis externa usually a bacterial infection caused by the types of bacteria Streptococcus, Staphylococcus or Pseudomonas is caused. Infeksit Swimmer's ear is usually caused by excessive water exposure. If water in the ear canal (frequently trapped by wax), collects the skin will be moist and serve as an inviting culture media for bacteria. Slashes abrasions or injuries in the lining of the ear canal (for example, of cotton buds injury) may also predispose to a bacterial infection of the ear canal.
Swimmers Ear Symptoms
The first symptom of infection is that the ear feels full, and it may itch. Next, the ear canal will swell and ear follow the flow. At this stage the ear will be very painful, especially with movement of the outer ear. Ear canal can swell shut, and the sides of the face may swell. Finally, the glands of the neck may swell, making it difficult or painful to open the jaw. People with swimmer's ear, it may be impaired hearing in the affected ear.
Definition of chronic ear Swimmer
Chronic swimmer's ear may be (long term) by bacterial infections, skin diseases (eczema or seborrhea), fungus (aspergillosis), chronic irritation (eg, through the use of hearing aids, cotton swabs income dllnya), allergies, chronic discharge from the ear disease caused be central tumors (rare), or it may just have a nervous habit of frequently scratching his ear. Some patients may be more than one factor may be involved. For example, a patient with eczema develop subsequently flowing black ear. This indicates a fungal infection that followed.
Standard treatments and preventative measures such as mentioned below, is often all that is needed to treat even cases of chronic otitis externa. Are depressed in people with diabetes or those with immune system, chronic swimmer's ear can be a serious disease (malignant external otitis). Malignant otitis externa is a misnomer (a term that does not fit), because he was not a tumor or cancer, but an aggressive bacterial infection (especially Pseudomonas) from the base of the skull
Swimmers Ear Care
Regardless of the cause, extend the moisture and irritation of the journey of the matter. For this reason, the ear should be kept dry. When showering or swimming use earplugs or use cotton with Vaseline on the outside.
Scratching the inside of the ear or use a cotton swab to avoid. This will only exacerbate irritated skin, and in most situations will worsen the condition. In fact, the inner ear scratching itchy ears only, and all medications prescribed is ineffective. Hearing aid should as far as possible until it stops swelling and expenditures exclude dirt.
The most common treatment consists of drugs with antibiotic ear drops or antibiotics with corticosteroids to reduce inflammation. Oral antibiotics may also be necessary in some cases. It should be used, as directed. In some situations, will "wick" must be placed in the ear canal, in order to open it, and serve as a conduit for medication eardrops. Periodically, and sometimes often, vacuuming of the ear canal, to open it, removing debris, and reduce the levels of bacteria.
Prevent swimmer's ear
- Reduction of exposure to water. If you are prone to infections, it is advisable that you earplugs if you use a shower or swimming. Drugs swimmers ear drops or medication drop of alcohol (Swim-EAR ®) to help in the ears after exposure to water, which is kept by drying the ears with a hair dryer at arm's length often followed the ears free of moisture.
- Do not lay tools, scratches, or use a cotton swab into the ear.
- Try to free the ears of wax. This may require visits to clean your ears.
- If you already have an ear infection, or if you have a hole in the eardrum, or if you have had ear surgery or ear tubes, first consult your doctor before swimming and before. Every type of prescription ear drops
- Prevention of ear drop solution can inexpensively and easily by mixing equal parts of alcohol and vinegar polisher (50:50 mix). This solution will increase the rate of evaporation of water in the ear canal and has antibacterial properties. This solution to the ear before and after exposure to water can be used as preventive measures against infection rinse serve.
- Ear drops mineral oil may be used to protect the ears from water when it is dry crusty skin condition exists.
Itchy ears-ears
Itchy ears can make a person crazy (annoyed). He may be the first sign of infection, but if the problem is chronic, it is more likely due to a chronic dermatitis of the ear canal caused. Seborrheic dermatitis and eczema can affect both the ear canal. Actually, there is no cure for this problem, but it can be made bearable with the use of prescription eye drops and steroid creams. People with these problems are much easier to acute infections. The use of plug-earplugs drop of alcohol, and not a tool of the ear is the best prevention of infection. Other treatments for allergies may also help itchy ears.
What to do if debris or insects ear Register
Foreign objects are placed in the ear often occur in children or not, when you try to clean or scratch the ear. Often there is an external ear infection that followed. Expenditure / removing objects from the ear can be very difficult, and should only be performed by a physician experienced in the techniques of appointment are for sure. This can normally be carried out in a doctor, but sometimes anesthesia should in those cases where the object to be deep in the ear or if the patient does not use embedded cooperative. Enting is to remind you that hurt the most common cause of ear foreign bodies because of the negligent destruction that occurred during the disassembly / expense items.
Insects or mites can be trapped in the ear. Small mosquitoes trapped in the ear wax can and can not fly. They can often be washed with warm water. Insects or pests greater may not be able to turn around in the narrow channel. If insects or mites are still alive, the first by killing the ear with mineral oil. This leads to smother the insects, then you find a doctor to remove it.
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