from various studies, the human is less aware of their behavior, are not aware that they periklaku menyababkan various diseases
Some examples of healthy behaviors are seldom realized because of high excitement and bustle of work are:
- Sitting no more an hour. Sitting over an hour is not healthy, then every hour needs to be balanced with other movements such as standing, and good roads are also doing the tiptoe-tiptoe. It deals with the position of our brain that are above (the head). For a healthy life we must ensure our brain gets enough blood supply, while the sitting position aggravate the heart pumps blood to the top. Lack of blood in the brain can cause many diseases that are often not aware of before.
- Leg movements such as walking helps pump blood back to the heart, thus easing the heart
- Bending motion as if to salute the Japanese people, also great for pemperlancar blood flow to the brain. The movement is also present in relaxation exercises and aeorobik.
- Smile because that smile of worship! With a smile (naturally) can increase endurance. Can not smile (frowning and tense) for 5 minutes will be lowered immune system for 6 hours!
The results are quite surprising: many of the younger generation has the potential to suffer from various diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, kidney and so on. In addition they are a lot of capacity performance is not optimal. Even some cases of coronary heart disease before the age of 60 years, whereas normal coronary heart attack over the age of 60.
Potential due to daily behavior are less healthy.
Most fit the human condition can be obtained at age 30. But what happens now and more people younger age have a high potential of developing the disease.
With healthy behaviors we can seek a healthy body condition at the age of 70 years as the age of 30 years. Healthy behaviors such person is to be active.
Motion can help our body to more healthy, aerobic activity is the best move for health. Aerobic exercise preferably be measured, because we need a measure of how healthy we are and what are its parameters.
indication of the body fit and healthy is as follows:
Heart, a healthy person's resting heart rate 60 beats per minute, for a atelit can reach 30 beats per minute.
Blood vessels, should be sufficient flexibility, it can be seen in the difference in systolic and diastolic blood pressure of at least 40.
Lung, must be sufficiently elastic to absorb more oxygen.
Muscle, must be sufficiently elastic, not easily characterized by pain and stiffness due to strecthing. There are three types of motion of the muscles according to function: muscle slow motion, fast motion and emergency, all three must be active and elastic.
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